Op 29/06/2012 15:20, Winfried Tilanus schreef:
On 06/28/2012 01:45 PM, Mark Rejhon wrote:


But, you know, aren't audio and video potential privacy issues too?
Especially if used during the wrong times?   It's no different.   (In
fact, often real-time text is more discreet at various times -- it's
quieter and shields from indiscreet sounds or images, while maintaining
real-time conversational interactivity -- and it is useful at various
I have done psychological counselling face to face, by phone, by
'line-by-line" chat and by RTT-chat. When somebody with RTT is
correcting a sentence, then you see what somebody first intents to say,
but doesn't want to send on second thought. That not only contains an
awful lot of information on the mindset of the person you are talking
to, it also is information the other didn't want to share. (And the mere
fact that that person didn't want to share it, is important information

So I can't rank RTT, audio and video from a privacy point of view, imho
RTT introduces a different kinds of privacy issues. But I do see a *big*
privacy issue with RTT and I don't think that when you enable Audio or
Video, RTT should be enabled automatically too.

When he will think before he will talk to you... Is privacy issue when you must think before you will talk ?

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