On 7/8/12 10:10 PM, Mark Rejhon wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 7, 2012 at 7:53 PM, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@stpeter.im
> <mailto:stpe...@stpeter.im>> wrote:
>     Hi Mark,
>     Thanks for working so diligently to incorporate the mass of feedback
>     you received recently. Given the scope of the changes, you might
>     want to give folks more than just a few days to provide feedback
>     before pushing
>     out 0.4 (perhaps a week from now?). I know I plan to review it
>     again this week.
> That would be fine -- I'll suggest that there's time until Friday, with
> a goal of submitting a Version 0.4 next week (July 16th) which will be
> the version that goes through LAST CALL.

Seems reasonable, thanks!


Peter Saint-Andre

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