On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 4:19 AM, Lance Stout <lancest...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I think it's worth including the id on every RTT edit,
> > rather than just the first - it makes the state machine easier for the
> > receiving clients and doesn't hurt the sending client.
> +1 on this. Even though the use of the seq value and error detection can
> be used to ensure that the RTT update is still within the context of
> editing a previous message, keeping that context explicit is a good thing
> (and was what my hypothetical version of a XEP-0308 flow was intended to
> accomplish).

I like it, but I don't want to make it required in situations where last
message is not being edited.
Many XMPP libraries are hardcoded to generate an 'id' only at the moment
<body/> is generated.
Over time, this can change.  Therefore, I prefer that 'id' be allowed to be
omitted; the omission of 'id' represents the editing of the most recent

However, it's practical to require 'id' for all <rtt/> elements during
last-message editing, to simplify the state machine for the receiving

With that, I'm strongly in favor of Mark's proposal. It should be a small
> enough section to fit in fine with XEP-0301, and shouldn't slow down its
> progress to draft state, which is a consideration given the broader
> legislative situations.

The only problem is that XEP-0308 would be the ONLY "Experimental" standard
I am referencing, and I'm trying to avoid referencing any experimental
standards at the moment...

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