On 3/13/19 11:46 AM, Ненахов Андрей wrote:
> ср, 13 мар. 2019 г. в 21:54, Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net
> <mailto:d...@cridland.net>>:
>     Philipp, Peter,
>     Do either of you want to remain involved with this one?
>     Andrew,
>     If they don't, would you be able to handle processing Last Call
>     feedback?
> Probably, I can, but I don't know exactly what exactly 'handle
> processing Last Call feedback' means (Sorry for my ignorance). We do
> plan to implement it, though.

People send comments on the list, and we answer their questions, propose
modifications to the text of the document, submit or process pull
requests, etc. For a small spec like this, it should be pretty simple.
Plus if you are a co-author if you will be famous forever. ;-)


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