On 13/03/2019 22.16, Kevin Smith wrote:

On 13 Mar 2019, at 17:37, Peter Saint-Andre <stpe...@mozilla.com> wrote:

I can help, but I would not object to adding a more active co-author
(preferably an implementor of the spec).

Do you want to request a last call? Under the new rules Council aren’t allowed 
to trigger an LC any more unless either the authors request it or the authors 
abandon the XEP.


I think this is a very narrow reading of the new text, and I don't agree that this says the Approving Body cannot issue (=/= trigger) a Last Call, via the Editor, if it so sees fit. What the changed text is meant to ensure is that once a Last Call is issued, there's somebody, either an author or document shepherd, to process feedback of that Last Call and during the approval process of the Approving Body. And that there's a defined way to propose advancement by authors, or others in case it appears that the authors are no longer interested in such advancement.

If you think this new wording suggests that the Approving Body (in this case Council) is no longer in full control of the process, then please propose changes so this can be rectified.

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