On Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 12:42:23PM +0500, Andrew Nenakhov wrote:
> вт, 3 сент. 2019 г. в 23:18, Georg Lukas <ge...@op-co.de>:
> >
> > Speaking of 0353 as is, it was also not designed for Carbons. I think we
> > should explicitly make use of Carbons (by similar means as with MAM), so
> > that we do not need separate <accept/> (to self) and <proceed/> (to the
> > initator) messages. Instead, the <proceed/> will be carbon-copied to all
> > other resources, letting them know that one client accepted the call.
> Why is 353 not designed for carbons? <accept/> is a <message/> and
> should be sent to other connected resources once the call is accepted.
> I'd say that current XEP-0353 specification is designed exclusively
> for carbons.
Because of urn:xmpp:carbons:rules:0 perhaps? Anyone can implement
whatever rules on the server, however the only thing client can rely on
is 6.1 of the XEP-0280. And in 0353 messages are body-less hence not
eligible for carbons. 

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