On Tue, Apr 07, 2020 at 01:52:14AM +0500, Andrew Nenakhov wrote:
> ср, 1 апр. 2020 г. в 01:59, Denver Gingerich <den...@ossguy.com>:
> > It might, but I have never found a client/server combination where both
> > have implemented this XEP that causes notifications to be delivered to an
> > iOS device.  Either the implementations I've used are broken, or this XEP
> > is insufficient.
> >
> > In particular, I have tried recent Prosody and ejabberd versions with the
> > respective "official" extensions for this XEP, along with the most recent
> > Siskin, Monal, and Xabber versions.  All have failed to provide
> > notification of incoming messages to the iPhone being tested (a 6S with the
> > latest iOS - same on cell data and wifi).
> Well, it definitely did work on Xabber. However, the key here is timing.
> Latest iOS is likely the culprit - starting from iOS version 13.3 released
> in december 2019, iOS is silencing background VoIP notification that Xabber
> uses, so if you tried Xabber after december, it was unlikely to work. See
> my previous email in this thread for a longer explanation.

Thank-you very much for the detailed explanation.  It appears that was indeed 
the issue - I tested a couple months ago, using what I believe was the latest 
iOS at the time.

> Also, the app server is under development and is often switched off, so
> this could also lead to an incorrect impression of it not working. If you
> want to stage a test, I suggest you contact over email or XMPP (jid is same
> as email) and we'll provide you a window where everything will be in a
> working state. However, it will not be XEP-357 as it is written now but our
> necessary (even forced) improvements over it.

Thanks for informing me.  I'll let others know about this option, as I think 
there are people in other XMPP groups I'm a part of that would very much like 
to test this, even if I am unable to devote much time to testing it myself 
during specific windows.

Just to be clear, does this need to be tested with an @xabber.org JID right now?

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