> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 09:56:30 -0600
> To: stdcxx-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [VOTE] Re: regression test suite naming convention
> If we constrain ourselves to the proposed options, my vote is for Option
> 2.  The reason for this vote is because it allows us to more easily
> determine what regression tests need to be run for a particular change.
> If we don't constrain ourselves to the proposed options, I wish to put
> forward an additional option.
> Option 3:
>     Put all regression tests in tests/regress/, using the following
>     naming convention:
>     tests/regress/<section-number>.stdcxx-<issue-number>.cpp
> This option would allow us to quickly locate all regression tests, and
> identify which section each regression test applies to without
> consulting Jira.

I also think this option is better than the one I suggested. I suppose the file 
name could include even more specific detail than just the section number such 
as the name of the container or the member function, like vector.cons and so on.

-- Mark

> --Andrew Black
> Martin Sebor wrote:
>> I'm not hearing any yay's or nay's on the proposed convention
>> so how about a vote to practice our consensus building skills?
>> Everyone is encouraged to vote, including non-committers.
>> Option 1:
>>   Put all regression tests in tests/regress/, naming each as
>>   follows:
>>   tests/regress/stdcxx-<issue-number>.cpp
>> Option 2:
>>   Mix regression tests in with the rest based on the clause
>>   in the standard and name each according to the following
>>   formula:
>>   tests/<section>/<section-number>.stdcxx-<issue-number>.cpp
>> Martin

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