Farid Zaripov wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Martin Sebor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin Sebor
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 7:18 AM
To: stdcxx-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: library and build sizes on Windows

I enhanced the cross-build scripts to extract the date of the build and the sizes of the library and of the bildspace (before and after running the clean target). This works on UNIX but not on Windows where the date has a different format

On unix:
### date:
Wed Oct 31 09:38:50 UTC 2007

On windows:
Wed Nov 07 22:23:49 2007: Loading solution...

  The difference in date format is the only UTC before year on unix :)

Right. The problem is the line above it. The script looks for the RE
"^### date:" and takes the whole line below it as the date. We could
have it look for the Windows-specific string on Windows (and strip
what follows the timestamp) and the UNIX one on UNIX but I'd rather
we standardize on the same data format than complicate the script

and the sizes aren't being reported. Would it be possible to change the Windows infrastructure to add this info to the logs?

  The cleaning targets performing by the BATMAN, so to add the sizes
to the logs the BATMAN scripts should be changed.

Okay. We'll move this part (the script that runs the whole build)
to stdcxx very soon so we'll have direct control over its format.


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