Farid Zaripov wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 23, 2007 8:25 PM
To: stdcxx-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Apache C++ Standard Library 4.2.0 released

Ok. I'll post the announce to the C++ forum on the Russian Development Network (www.rsdn.ru).
I gather this is it: http://www.rsdn.ru/forum/message/2721871.1.aspx

But I'm not sure that translation is needed, because I
sure that the
all russian-speaking programmers are able to understand this announcement (like any other techical documentation).
Unfortunately, not all English-speaking programmers can read Russian

  Use translate.google.com ;-) The result is not perfect, though. :(


Looks like they found the string performance graph interesting.
Was there any useful feedback?

  Cyberfax says that he compiled it's application using STDCXX and the
application works well,
but without difference in application performance comparing with

  jazzer stated that STLport has the string concatenation using
expression templates
but I didn't found the using of the expression templated in basic_string
from STLport 5.1.4 .

I wonder if such an implementation can be 100% conforming. In any
event, expression templates aren't without problems. Compilation
speed due to significantly increased code complexity is one of
them. Code bloat is often among the other adverse consequences
of excessive template use. Code like that also tends to be
difficult to debug (lots of little forwarding functions with
very long names).


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