Dear Ms Haasz:
Please accept the following PAR extension request. Please feel free
to contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Jim Hughes
Chair P1619
On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Dear Mr. Anderson:
This letter is to advise you that the project listed below will
expire at
the end of 2006 and action will be required.
P1619 - Standard Architecture for Encrypted Shared Storage Media
If the project will not be submitted to RevCom in time for the
2006 meeting, you have the following options:
1. Request an extension for the project. The Target Extension
Request Form
can be found at
extension.rtf. Please
note that this extension request can now be from one to four years.
2. Request withdrawal of the project.
Please advise me in writing of the action that should be taken. This
information will be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled NesCom
meeting (based upon the date I receive the request), and NesCom
will make
its recommendation based upon the information provided.
If there is no response to this letter by 16 October 2006, the
project will
be recommended for administrative withdrawal at the 6 December 2006
Standards Board meeting.
If you should have any questions, please contact me at 732-562-6367
or by
Best regards,
Jodi Haasz
Program Manager
International Stds Programs and Governance
Standards Activities
Phone +1 732 562 6367
FAX +1 732 875 0695
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{\title IEEE-SA Standards Board Extension Request}
{\author IEEE}
{\*\company IEEE}}\margl1319\margr1319\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0
\f0\b\fs32 \cf0 IEEE-SA Standards Board Extension Request\
\fs24 \cf0 Revised 23 June 2004\
\f1\b0 \cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 1. Date of Request:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194
\f4\b January 9, 2006
\f3\b0 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f2 2. Assigned Project Number:
\f0\b P
\f4 1619
\f3\b0 \uc0\u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f2 3. Project Title:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f5\b Standard Architecture for Encrypted Shared Storage Media
\f1\b0 \
\f2 a. Name of Working Group (WG):
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b SISWG
\f1\b0 \
\f2 b. Name of Working Group Chair:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b James Hughes
\f1\b0 \
\f2 c. Name of Sponsoring Society and Committee:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b TCSS
\f1\b0 \
\f2 d. Name of Sponsoring Committee Chair:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b Curtis Anderson
\f1\b0 \
\f2 4. Contact Information (Contact should be the person who will answer any questions concerning this extension request):\
a. Name:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b James Hughes
\f1\b0 \
\f2 b. Telephone:
\f3 \uc0\u8194
\f4\b 303 661 6395
\f1\b0 \
\f2 c. FAX:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b 612 677 3007
\f1\b0 \
\f2 d. EMAIL:
\f1\b0 \
\f2 5. Statement of why an extension is required. This should include a description of what the working group has accomplished and what remains to be accomplished, along with the reasons why the work was unable to be completed in the allotted timeframe
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f0\b The document is in the final stages. It has been drafted several times, harder sections differed. We expect it to be sent into the editors before the end of Febuary. The working group is also expected to create additional PARs in this workgroup.
\f2\b0 \
\f1 \cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 6. History\
a. What date was the PAR first approved?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b Aug 15, 2002
\f1\b0 \
\f2 b. What date did you begin writing the first draft?
\f0\b 2004
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f2 c. How many people are actively working on the project?
\f4\b 12
\f1\b0 \
\f2 d. How many times a year does the working group meet:
\f0\b 4-6
\f2\b0 \
\cf0 1. In person?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194
\f4\b 2
\f1\b0 \
\f2 2. Via teleconference?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194
\f4\b 4
\f1\b0 \
\f2 \cf0 e. How many times a year is a draft circulated to the working group via electronic means?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f6\b \cf0 5
\f1\b0 \
\f2 \cf0 7. Document Progress\
a. What percentage of the Draft is stable?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b 97
\f0 %
\f2\b0 \
b. How many significant work revisions has the Draft been through?
\f0\b 6
\f1\b0 \
\f2 8. Project Plan \
\f0\b (Item #8a is only for projects that have been balloted. If your draft has not yet gone to ballot, please go to Item #8b)
\f1\b0 \
\f2 a. Balloting History - Provide history of all IEEE Sponsor ballots under this project::\
\cf0 1\super st\nosupersub Ballot Close date (or scheduled close):
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\f2 1\super st\nosupersub Ballot Draft Number:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\f2 1\super st\nosupersub Ballot results (% affirmative, %negative, %abstain):
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\f2 2\super nd\nosupersub Ballot Close date (or scheduled close):
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\f2 2\super nd\nosupersub Ballot Draft Number:
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\f2 2\super nd\nosupersub Ballot results (% affirmative, %negative, %abstain):
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \
\cf0 \
\f2 (Add additional entries for ballots as needed):
\f7\fs20 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1\fs24 \
\cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 When do you estimate that the final IEEE Sponsor ballot will be completed?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f2 When do you expect to submit the proposed standard to RevCom?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\cf0 \
\f0\b \cf0 b.
\f0\b For projects that have not yet begun Sponsor ballot, please answer the following:\
\f2\b0 \cf0 When will IEEE sponsor balloting begin?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b March/April
\f1\b0 \
\f2 When do you estimate that the final IEEE Sponsor ballot will be completed?
\f4\b July
\f3\b0 \uc0\u8194
\f1 \
\f2 When do you expect to submit the proposed standard to RevCom?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b July
\f1\b0 \
\cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 9. Future Adoptions\
\f8 \cf0 \'b7
\f2 If this is a new document, will it be adopted (in part or in whole) by another national, regional or international organization? If yes, which organization?
\f0\b NIST
\f1\b0 \
\f8 \'b7
\f2 If this is a revision of an existing document, has this document been adopted by the IEC, ISO, ETSI, SCC, etc? If yes, which organization?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f4\b No
\f1\b0 \
\cf0 \
\f2 \cf0 10. Additional Extensions\
a. Is this the first request for an extension? (If yes, please do not go any further. You have completed the form.)
\f0\b Yes
\f2\b0 \
b. If not, when was the previous extension approved?
\f3 \uc0\u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194 \u8194
\f1 \
\f2 After completion of this form, please e-mail this to the NesCom Administrator at \
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Confirmation of submittal will be sent on receipt of this request.\