So far, I have not seen any substantiation of the
10**-9 figure. I ask again: Why not 10**-10? Why not
10**-11? To me it's apparently a figure that someone
just made up. In contrast, the birthday bound used for
evaluation of security of RNGs and hash functions,
2**(n/2), is substantiated. And _that_ is what's
actually used in cryptography in such contexts. 10**-9
is not. Therefore I'm asking for a substantiation. 

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Ian,
> >> Could you describe the "weak form" in detail
> please?
> It is what you used. Choose randomly k elements
> (repetition allowed)
> from n different ones. What value of k gives a 50%
> chance of a
> collision, that is, having at least two equal chosen
> elements? The
> strong form, what is much more useful, tells the
> probability of the
> collision for any (n,k) pair:
>    P(n,k) = 1-n!/(n-k)!/n^k.
> For example, P(100,12) = 1-100!/88!/100^12 = ~0.497.
> It means, there is
> a 50% chance of a repetition when choosing 12
> elements from 100. The
> original birthday paradox is formulated by
>    P(365,23) = 1-365!/(365-23)!/365^23 = ~0.507,
> that is, there is a 50% chance that among 23
> randomly chosen people at
> least two have the same birthday (excluding leap
> days). Here, the days
> of the year represent the different elements and the
> birthday of the
> chosen people represent the choosing. This is
> elementary probability
> theory, in the high school level.
> The equation for P(n,k) can be simplified using
> Stirling's approximation
> and the Taylor expansion of the log and exp
> functions. They are accurate
> enough if the discarded high order terms are small. 
> >> [From the strong form, you get back the week form
> (approximately) with simple arithmetic.]How?
> If you want to know, how many samples to take, such
> that a collision
> occurs with a 50% chance, solve the equation
>    0.5 = 3 k^2 / (2n)
> You get n = 3k^2 or k = sqrt(n/3). This is middle
> school math.
> But don't forget, this is approximate, the
> simplified collision
> probability formula is valid, if k and n/k^2 are
> large (at least 10 to
> get an error around 10%). For the 50% case this
> approximation gives k =
> 6, when choosing from 100 elements, that is, a
> factor of 2 error,
> because n/k^2 is not large enough. Still, you get
> the right order of
> magnitude.
> >> So you are saying that a 10% chance makes a
> secure system?
> I recommend that you read my emails before you
> reply. I said that a
> failure probability less than 10^-9 makes a secure
> system. It means,
> having built a hundred million of this system, there
> is only 10% chance
> than one has a block collision. Any single one fails
> with a probability
> of less than 10^-9. In a 5 out of 90 lottery, the
> chance of winning the
> grand price is 20 times higher. And the chance that
> the disk drive fails
> completely is thousand times higher.
> >> [How much chance do you want to take?] Zero.
> You are out of luck. I can guess your password with
> greater probability.
> >> ...where did this 10% come from? What is it based
> on?
> You can argue that a disk manufacturer should take
> only 1% chance of a
> lawsuit, whatever. The actual numbers used in the
> industry depend on
> more factors: the chance that a customer discovers
> the problem, he
> actually suffers significant loss, the chance that
> he sues the
> manufacturer, the cost of a litigation vs. the cost
> of improving the
> security of 100 million disk drives. For our
> discussions, it does not
> really matter. A factor of 100 change in this
> collision probability
> means a factor of 10 change of the recommended
> number of blocks
> encrypted with the same key. It is adding or
> subtracting barely more
> than 3 in the exponent of 2.
> >> how I would explain this limit to my customers
> You don't have to explain the 10%, but the chance of
> collision being 20
> times less than winning in the lottery. Or, compare
> it to the chance of
> being killed in a car accident or of being hit by
> lightning. But you are
> probably better off not to mention it at all. Do you
> want to explain
> that English texts have about 1.6 bit entropy per
> letter, and so a
> password has to be at least 40 letters long? Random
> guessing and
> collisions are general security issues, every block
> cipher and hash
> function has similar problems. If you have
> difficulties understanding
> the unavoidability of collisions or the non-zero
> probability of
> successful password guessing, you should not sell
> security equipment.
> Nevertheless, you have a valid point: in the
> proposed standard a
> recommendation or requirement of this kind should be
> explained better,
> just to avoid questions like yours.
> Laszlo
> > -------- Original Message --------
> > Subject: RE: P1619 D4 draft
> > From: dtufs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Sat, February 25, 2006 8:25 am
> > To:
> > 
> > --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > > What you are referring to is a weak form of the
> > > birthday paradox
> > 
> > I've never heard that birthday paradox had two
> > "forms". Could you describe the "weak form" in
> detail
> > please?
> > 
> > 
> > > From the strong form, you get back the week
> > > form (approximately)with simple arithmetic.
> > 
> > How? 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > If you have 50% chance that the crypto breaks on
> > > your hard disk, it is not a secure system.
> > 
> > So you are saying that a 10% chance makes a secure
> > system? Is the difference between 50% and 10%
> > considerable? A secure system is where the chance
> is
> > negligible, i.e., close to zero. Can you see why
> it is
> > infeasible to specify the _lower_ bound? (Lower
> bound
> > is two blocks.)
> > 
> > 
> > > How much chance do you want to take?
> > 
> > Zero. 
> > 
> > 
> > > Accepting 10% risk
> > 
> > Again, where did this 10% come from? What is it
> based
> > on? The birthday bound, 2**(n/2), is commonly used
> > when assessing security of hash functions or RNGs.
> > This bound is perfectly substantiated. Collisions
> in
> > PRPs and PRFs are statistically not to be expected
> > sooner than after 2**(n/2) querries. For LRW this
> > bound is three times lower. Which gives us
> ~2**63.2
> > querries for 128-bit blocks. This is the _upper_
> > bound, yes. So going close to it is not
> recommended.
> > But this is substantiated. 10% is not based on
> > anything. You can get a collision after just two
> > querries. The _lower_ bound for PRPs is q=2.
> > 
> > If you want to use 10% bound, then back it up by
> > something. I don't know how I would explain this
> limit
> > to my customers. It appears to be just made up (a
> nice
> > round figure). Can anyone see the problem?
> > 
> > Regards,
> > Ian Malik
> > 
> > 
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