Here is the link to NIST's Guidelines for Submissions of Modes of Operation:

Is this a topic we should cover in the next con-call?


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Shai
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 12:20 PM
To: Morris Dworkin
Subject: Re: IEEE P1619 LRW mode and FIPS 140-2 certification

Morris & group,

I think that I am missing something here: ECB is a component of LRW,
so any system that uses LRW in particular also uses ECB.

Not knowing much about NIST certification, I assume that to be certified
you need to demonstrate that

(a) you are using a NIST-certified mode, and
(b) you are using it according to whatever conditions are described in
  FIPS 140-2

Any system that uses LRW would meet (a) above, so I would have though
that such system could get NIST certification if it demonstrated (b).
Am I wrong?

-- Shai

Morris Dworkin wrote:
> Dear IEEE 1619,
> The original request to me for a statement on LRW referred to
> speculation that LRW implementations could be approved as ECB
> for FIPS 140-2.  The subsequent thread (to which I was cc'd)
> went further, suggesting that LRW implementations already have
> been approved in this way.  The testing group at NIST is not aware
> of any such cases.  Let me reiterate that it is not NIST's policy
> to allow LRW to be equated with ECB for FIPS 140-2, but we would
> consider approving LRW if a proposal were submitted to us.
> Regards,
> Morris Dworkin

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