Hi Everyone,

I thought there was talk about maybe having a meeting around May 5th.  
Considering that nothing is setup yet, I suspect that's a little soon.  The 
week of May 8th-12th is during the T10 meeting in San Jose, so I suspect people 
will be busy during that time.  Should we try for a day sometime between May 
15th and May 19th?

I could produce the P1619.1-D6 Draft before that meeting, and we could go over 
those details then.

Does anyone know the progress of the P1619 document we submitted to IEEE?  I 
thought we wanted to have the next meeting shortly after that.  If that's still 
a ways off, I'd like to have still have a P1619.1 meeting so that we can 
continue with that standard.

Speaking of T10, I'm planning to be in San Jose on Tuesday and Wednesday.  
Maybe we could take an hour or so to talk a little about 1619/1619.1 then.  


-----Original Message-----
>From Cyril Guyot
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:26 PM
Subject: RE: IEEE P1619 LRW mode and FIPS 140-2 certification

Since we are on the con-call topic, could someone remind me of what the current 
schedule for the next conf-calls is? 


[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/07/2006 01:52:39 PM:

> Here is the link to NIST's Guidelines for Submissions of Modes of Operation:
> http://csrc.nist.gov/CryptoToolkit/modes/proposedmodes/SubmissionGuidelines.
> html
> Is this a topic we should cover in the next con-call?
> Thanks,
> Gideon

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