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Dear Mr. Beale,

    Nato has used a fake, cynical, insincere concern for human rights as a 
manipulative ruse to disguise its motives.   It's motives are to expand 
itself and to chop up Yugoslavia.   The West needs to chop up Yugoslavia, 
because capital-driven economies need to expand and to dictate their needs to 
others.   An intact Yugoslavia might be able to resist Western  absorption.

    The various new pieces of former Yugoslavia are led by groups which owe 
their ascent to Nato weapons and Nato manipulation.   These groups need 
"protection" if they are to stay in power.  The West is eager to provide 
same.  The price exacted is "reform."   "Reform" means paring social 
services, cutting  employment, and escalating privatization.   These 
"reforms" have been inflicted on Americans and Brits continuously and are now 
accelerating.  In Yugoslavia they are accompanied by the added frill of 
bombing and invasion.  

    Media concern over human rights and Serbian nationalism has been part of 
the psychological artillery which pounded American and British consciences to 
mush. (Not that they were granite before.)  Ten years of selective or 
doctored photographs of emaciated non-Serbs led to Mr. and Mrs. Stepford 
saying "Well, we had to do something, didn't we?" as bombs fell on buses.

    Your concern for human rights may be noble, but human rights has zero to 
do with the causes of Nato aggression.  Your disdain for nationalism is 
misplaced when the nationalism in question  is invoked to resist Nato Uber 
Alles.  Your sense that there is good and bad on all sides may seem profound, 
but in this case it helps obscure the mechanisms behind war.

    Lester S.

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