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Good response to Mr. Beale, Les. Inspiring.

    Let's see if Mr. Beale is about to run his cowardly "both sides are 
wrong" number about China. Because if he is, we're ready.
    The same demonization and militarization and hypocritical "human rights 
campaign" is being orchestrated about the new enemies of the West, the 
Peoples Republic of China. Mr. Beale is probably wringing his clean hands 
about the suppression of the Fulan Gong mystics whose expensive executive 
offices are located in New York City. He is probably getting wild with 
concern for the 1500 Chinese Human Rights "prisoners," while 2,000,000 mostly 
Black prisoners languish in American jails without his or the so-called 
"humanitarians'" slightest regard. He is probably weeping gallons of 
crocodile tears over the poor (millionaire) old Dalai Lama who met with 
George Bush to discuss how to destabilize and break up China. Mr. Beale's 
myopic views of nationalism probably oppose China's historical claims to 
Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang province (rich in oil, according to the New York 
Times, and filled with Moslems Uighurs, a "Muslim majority [which) lives 
restively under Chinese rule, " They "are well versed in the NATO bombing of 
Yugoslavia last year which some celebrate for liberating the Muslims in 
Kosovo." Maybe he is going to start to worry that China controls 50% of its 
state assets, and that could stand in the way of the human rights of the 
Western INVESTORS who want to make ALL of China one big sweatshop. Perhaps 
Mr. Beale will soon see his way to accepting the new Star Wars, NMD, which 
will target China as a dangerous "rogue" power that has to be neutralized by 
the mighty humanitarian American missile defense system. Humanitarian bombing 
can go nuclear! 
    STOPNATO readers are wise to the manipulations of the combined power of 
the Western Media and our governments, Mr. Beale. Why aren't you? Do you 
really believe the West is genuinely concerned about Human Rights in this 
    Oh! The West was madly concerned about the human rights of the USSR, as I 
bet you were. But in the New York Times, last June we read that," that in the 
(former) Soviet Union women have:
    "Borne the brunt of the changes . . . since the fall of communism . . . 
health care     and child care have collapsed . . . Between 1985 and 1997 a 
UN study found the  transition to a market economy meant that the number of 
working women fell by   40% in Hungary, 21% in Russia and 24% to 31% in the 
Baltic states. . . .  To    make ends meet while caring for children. . . 
some are forced into prostitution." This article notes that in the former 
Yugoslavia pimps scoured, "the war-devastated villages, taking girls as young 
as 14, [to] become prostitutes."
    How come you don't concern yourself with these human rights, Mr. Beale?
And where was your tender concern when it was reported in the Associated 
Press in October 2000 that at least 50 million children in Eastern Europe and 
the former Soviet Union live in poverty and are exposed to tuberculosis 
levels usually associated with the third world. A group called the European 
Children's Trust found that poverty had increased more than TENFOLD since the 
fall of communism.  This is a massive attack on millions of peoples' basic 
human rights, yet you are so silent about this. How come?

     There you sit, sadly shaking your wise head at those of us who mourn the 
death of Yugoslav socialism wherein 65% of the economy was run by the state, 
no one was homeless or begging, culture and medical care and education were 
basic human rights for all. Until the US began tightening the screws, then 
bombing, and buying a "Democratic" opposition. Kindly, dear old Mr. Beale; 
don't you think that killing off people by bombing, deception, corruption and 
hunger or immiserating them is against human rights? 
    What is it, Mr. Beale, "Just the market working?" You have managed to 
make yourself believe this all happened democratically, and naturally? Or 
maybe you believe your God willed it? 
    Thank you very much for all your lectures about our intemperance, Mr. 
Beale. We are all much chastened by your clearer understanding of human 

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