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[Alternate title: Murderous Thug Hails Murderous
Thugs: Takes One To Know One.
Dad, Mum, don't you recognize your baby?]

Macedonia Rebel Hails NATO Despite "Thug" Comment

SKOPJE, Jun 14, 2001 -- (Reuters) A leader of an
ethnic Albanian insurgency in Macedonia has praised
NATO Secretary General George Robertson, who once
slammed the rebels as a "bunch of murderous thugs".

Ali Ahmeti, political leader of the rebellion, hailed
peace efforts by both Robertson and European Union
foreign policy chief Javier Solana in a fence-mending
interview to be published on Thursday in the
Albanian-language daily Fakti.

"I would like to thank the Western diplomats,
especially Mr Solana and Mr Robertson, because their
contribution truly benefits humanity and us Albanians
as well because we are part of the great European
family," he said.

Solana and Robertson will visit Skopje on Thursday in
a new round of diplomacy aimed at prompting Macedonian
politicians to agree ways to end a four-month-old
crisis which could yet trigger a civil war in the
former Yugoslav republic.

Ahmeti, apparently seeking wider legitimacy to ease
the rebels' isolation by Western powers, said he
wanted any long-term peace deal to be underwritten by
guarantees from the United States, the EU and NATO.

"We do not see our future outside Europe and NATO
integration and are convinced that together, by taking
wise steps, we shall manage to solve the crisis," he
said. A shaky three-day ceasefire was holding on

On May 7 in Skopje, Robertson called the ethnic
Albanian guerrillas "a bunch of murderous thugs whose
objective is to destroy a democratic Macedonia" and
turn it into "another Balkan bloodbath". The alliance
chief has since softened his tone.

Ahmeti said Albanians, who make up about a third of
Macedonia's population and say they are discriminated
against by the majority Slavs in everything from jobs
to education, should follow the lead of other
democratic nations divided by language.

"The Macedonians should copy the example of
Switzerland, Belgium and Canada," he said.

He added that representatives of his self-styled
National Liberation Army (NLA) had sounded out
diplomats in Western capitals to discuss possible
disarmament of NLA fighters and reintegration into
civilian life.

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