
You have made it clear that you needed to get away from the code back in 
June after having made a flurry of commits.  Everyone understands and 
appreciates what you have done for Stripes as you have single handedly 
maintained Stripes for quite some time (I assume since its beginnings 
with Tim) and have been an incredible driving force IMO.

But the time of a single developer cobbling together code OR merely 
accepting patches that are ready and tested from the community - but not 
having the time to integrate them - must be over.  At some point in time 
we need to stand aside to see a project grow otherwise we will - and not 
to be dramatic - smother it and indeed it will die... .

There are developers like Evan, Nicolai, myself (down the road) and 
others in the wings (whose names I don't have readily with me but have 
voiced themselves already) that are "ready" to get involved **today** 
and / or contribute their extensions that they have built for their real 
world projects... and yet the lack of response to requests on how to get 
involved is quite unsettling to say the least.

Another area... 1.5.3 was released on December 16, 2009 yet a full 9 
months later it still does not appear in Maven Central.  One suggested 
solution was to setup a Sonatype repo  for Stripes so that it 
automatically syncs to Maven Central.  In STS-738 back in May of this 
year you said "In case you missed my note on the mailing list the other 
day, I'm working on getting this going through Sonatype. I'll resolve 
this issue when it's done."  The fact that it isn't setup is not my 
biggest concern and is not a problem as in the end you volunteer your 
efforts / time.

However since then others including Samuel Santos and Nathan Maves have 
offered to help setup a Sonatype repo for Stripes - which they both have 
stated they have experience doing - yet once again no reply to their 
offers to help.  Once again this is unsettling... .

This thread is by no means meant to be critical of your contributions... 
as they most likely overshadow everyone else's in this community for 
their extent and dedication.  This is meant more as a wake up call to 
all those that hold the keys to Stripes.  I assume that includes 
yourself, Freddy and Aaron but don't know for sure... .

In my mind 3 things need to happen for Stripes to prosper:

1)  Getting Stripes automatically sync'd up through Sonatype will 
deflect the "perception" that the project is stale i.e. 9 months since 
its last release is no big deal... not having its latest release "out 
there" where it can be *effortlessly consumed* *IS* IMO.

2)  Some process needs to be setup to allow others to get into the 
ground floor as contributors.  This OSS at its best.  There are numerous 
talented people on this list alone that not letting go of the keys WILL 
kill Stripes.  Period.  As I personally have not led any OSS projects I 
am not sure what the best procedure / process to follow is nor do I know 
where to start but I'm sure others can chime in on how to properly 
initiate this.  If this was truly difficult then OSS would not exist.  
This is *CRITICAL*.

3)  All the other good initiatives that have been started need to 
continue like setting up a new web site, a better place for forums 
(mailing lists are wonderful but people search the web more often than 
mailing lists for quick answers), deciding on how to partition 
extensions, stacks, etc... (of course there is debate here), etc...

But if 1) and 2) don't happen then yes not to sound dramatic Stripes 
will surely die... not b/c it isn't a great product... but b/c people 
like myself and others in the community will feel that they are beating 
a dead horse in trying to get involved... and will simply give up and 
look elsewhere.  If you alienate those that the "early adopters" / 
"sneezers" then 3) won't matter at all.

Ben, Freddy and / or Aaron... its time to step up to the plate... to if 
anything hand over the keys and take on a reviewer / advisor role in the 
future of this wonderful framework.



Evan Leonard wrote:
> Nicolai,
> Absolutely. This is a must.  I am starting to use Stripes for a project and 
> want to participate in the community. However, its not clear how to do so!
> Is it clear in the community how decisions are made about these things? Are 
> there certain "core" developers with some level of authority? Forgive me as 
> I'm just coming up to speed.
> Evan

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