> I have checked in a proposed release plan, which is available for
> review on the Struts web site:


Release plans must pass by a majority vote of committers on the project,

I am
-1 with the --current-- proposal,

+1 if we can agree on some form of the following :

  I would really like to get this release out !
  I propose that we explicitly spell out what
  a Code Freeze means to keep us/me focused on fixing only bugs.

Code Freeze / Tag Date - Saturday, December 14, 2002
  If we can agree Code/Document Freeze to include:

   I expect these are a no brainier:
     A) No Improvements/Enhancements to code,
         So we can concentrate on items that are not
         working correctly.
     B) No New features,
          It's too easy to make a small enhancement that
          reverberates through the code.
     C) Code Reformatting, including imports optimization,
          unless a bug was fixed also.
          (Lately I am guilty of this one !)

   I would also like to hold the documents to the same standards

     D) No Document reformatting, breaking up pages etc.
        Ok to: Clarifying existing docs, Adding missing Docs,
        fixing JavaDoc is Ok.

        Example: An acceptable change would be to document Tokens.
          I have been meaning to do for 22 months now !
        I would rather we spend time concentrating on existing content.
     E) No new references to resources, books,
        announcements, tools etc...
        Again spending available time concentrating on
        existing content that is incorrect or unclear.


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