Martin Cooper wrote:

Vote:  Struts 1.1b3 Release Plan
[ ] +1 I am in favor of the release, and will help support it
[ ] +0 I am in favor of the release, but am unable to help support it
[ ] -0 I am not in favor of the release
[ ] -1 I am against this proposal (must include a reason).

I've got to admit, I was really riding the fence on this. I think it'd be great to get another binary out there for folks that can't/won't compile from CVS. At the same time, I wasn't sure the plan was sufficiently thorough (sorry, Martin!) about resolving issues *before* we cut the binary and slap a "b3" on it. After having read everyone's criticisms, and having reread the plan a few times (coffee absorption rate is rather low today for some odd reason) - and having reread some of the criticisms :-) - I don't see why anyone would have objection to this proposal. If you'll notice - inside of the section labeled "Release Criteria", Martin outlines what must happen before the binary will be cut. Here's that section:

Prior to the release of Struts 1.1 Beta 3, the following action
items must be completed:

* The Struts 1.1 Release Notes document shall be updated to
describe substantial changes and improvements since the Struts
1.0.2 release, along with associated updates to the main
Struts Documentation Application pages describing the new release.
* All of the Struts example applications that are included with
the release shall operate successfully in the following
servlet containers:
o Tomcat 3.3.1 <>
o Tomcat 4.0.6 <>
o Tomcat 4.1.12 <>
* A release vote shall take place on the STRUTS-DEV mailing list
to approve this plan. The release vote MUST pass by "Majority
Approval" of Struts committers.

Prior to the release of a subsequent Struts 1.1 release candidate,
the following action items must be completed:

* All Bugzilla <> bug reports
against Struts 1.1 nightly builds MUST be marked as
"Resolved", with any of the legal Bugzilla resolutions (FIXED,
* Bug reports that are resolved as LATER or REMIND will include
comments as to whether those specific issues will be dealt
with in a subsequent beta, release candidate, or final
release, or whether they will be scheduled for consideration
in a subsequent release time frame.

I'm assuming this vote is for the proposal itself, and not for whether we should be cutting a binary. So ... if I am correct, I believe you have my +1. If, however, I am incorrect, and you are taking the vote to determine if the binary should be cut "now", I think we probably aren't ready -- and I would -1 citing the number of unresolved bugs as my reason. That said, I think Rob had some very, very valid points on which I'd love someone to elaborate.

Eddie Bush

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