This is a quick note of some things I've been thinking
with regards patterns for web app development. It's
divided into four sections:

  1. My understanding of Struts-MVC
  2. Content Object Models
  3. Patterns
  4. Questions

Just a quick review of MVC for struts, illustrating
the basic request scenario (in collaboration diagram

          Control              Model
  HTTP(1)  +--------+       +--------------+
  -------->| Action |------>| Object Model |
  Request  +--------+       +--------------+
               |(2)               ^
               V                  |
  HTTP (3) +--------+             |
  <--------|   JSP  |-------------+
  Resposne +--------+

1. Request comes in, goes through controller (ActionServlet)
   and is handled by an Action.
2. Action performs (optional) business logic, and either
   creates response itself, or forwards request to JSP
   (or servlet) to create the response.
3. JSP (servlet) generates response, and sends it back to
   the client.

What I'm seeing is that the Action is responsible for creating
some "data" that is used later in generation of the resposne.
Oleg does this with BeanFactory (if I understand it correctly).
These are the types of "data" (let's call the Object Models or
simply OM) I see:

  1. JavaBeans   Heirarchical, Java
  2. DOM         Heirarchical, platform independent
  3. JDBC        Flat, Java, (RowSet)

Accessing these object models from a (struts-enabled) JSP
requires the use of notation below:

  object model  notation           navigating object models
  ------------  --------           -------------------------
  JavaBeans     "dotted"           user.address[0].city
  JavaBeansX    "extended-dotted"  user.address{billing}.city
  JDBC          "dotted"?          ?
  DOM           XPath              user/address/city

JDBC (RowSet) and DOM are planned for 1.1:

In my thinking, I've been calling the "object models"
Content Object Models since the OMs really represent the
"content" (which we wanted to separate from logic as well as
from presentation).

The pattern I'm seeing for developing web applications is this:

  1. Action generates Content Object Model (COM).
  2. COM is transformed to presentation

In various frameworks, we see how this is done:

  Framework  OM         Factories   Presentation
  ---------  --         --------    ------------
  Struts     JavaBeans  Action      JSP/other
  Cocoon2    DOM        Generator   XSLT

With this pattern, I can envision this pattern for a whole
web application:

  | Action |-----------+
  +--------+           |
       +--------+   +--------+     +------------------+
       | Object |<--| client |---->| Business Logic   |
       | Model  |   +--------+     | (possibly part   |
       +--------+                  | of some component|
          ^                        + framework, EJB)  |
  View    |                        +------------------+
  |JSP/Servlets |
 \_______________/  \________/  \_______________________/
   Web-based UI     "Glue" code    UI-less application

The utility of a "UI-less" app means you can deveop
applications on top of it, such as:
  - Rich application
  - Web-app
  - command-line app

In our case, we're concerned with a web-apps, where:
  - Client: presents a Facade (GOF pattern) into the
    Business Logic
  - Web-app only knows about the application through the
  - Client generates Content Object Models (COM)
  - JSP/Servlets generate presentation based on COM

My guess is that large scale applications would require
some sort of abstraction along the lines presented above,
while smaller applications will tend to not use the "client"
and "object model" abstractions (and hence the model pattern
above collapses to just 3 parts: Control, View, Model
[business logic]).

Having said all that, my questions are:

1. Are there other frameworks that fit into this Content Object Model
   (COM) Pattern?
2. Is this COM Pattern a pattern that struts-users are using, and if
   so, is it working for you?
3. If these ideas are not new or there are similar ideas, can someone
   send me references to them?


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