Hello Gidado-Yisa,

It is clear and interesting.

Friday, June 15, 2001, 5:50:34 PM, you wrote:

... skipped

IGY> ---------------------
IGY> What I'm seeing is that the Action is responsible for creating
IGY> some "data" that is used later in generation of the resposne.
IGY> Oleg does this with BeanFactory (if I understand it correctly).
IGY> These are the types of "data" (let's call the Object Models or
IGY> simply OM) I see:

I try to separate such standart action as data extraction from
workflow logic (Actions and Forwards). All we needs in some situations
extract data from external store and pass it to the View (JSP). I
am so lazy to do it in Actins that I create BeanFactory (define
databean, link to ready to use Factory and write declarations in
struts-config to work with some new data structure).

I work with RDBMS and use JDBCFactories to extract values from
this datasource. But BeanFactory intend to be used as kernel with some
count of Factories as plugins - you can write new plugin (Factory) for
your own datasource (XML files, for example) and use it to extract and
pass to display (JSP) some data from your datasource.

P.S. Now I trying to build RowSetFactory (thanks to Ted for samples)
     to generate disconnected row sets, but day is so small...

Best regards,
 Oleg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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