I noticed you quoted me on your site but you left out the important point that Struts has never and will never dictate a model or view layer technology. Struts gives you total freedom because at its core it's simply an action controller. The taglibs will be replaced by standards like JSTL and JSF.

I had never heard of your site before someone posted it on this list and I don't intend to visit it often. Struts does not need a defense on your site. *You* need to actually build a meaningful app using Struts and then make a judgement. The only "defense" of Struts I'll offer is this: Thousands of successful web applications have been produced quickly and cheaply using Struts. Struts is the most popular Java web MVC framework for a reason. I suggest you find out why.

I frankly don't care if some people don't like Struts; that's a matter of personal preference. I do care when it is misrepresented with ignorant statements.


From: Joseph Ottinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Hello, all.
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 10:49:31 -0500 (EST)

Hi. I'm Joseph Ottinger (if you couldn't tell from my .sig, my From:
address, etc.) and I'm the one who wrote "Why are people so down on
Struts?" and its ancillary article. I made a point out of putting my email
address on (which I had not done before) to
enable direct feedback on articles like that one, because I recognize
that, for one thing, this industry has sacred cows like many others, and
for another, to enable the information to be autocorrecting. (The concept
here is that if someone else with edit capabilities knows better than I,
they can edit -- or if someone without edit rights knows better, they can
email and I can establish the correct information.)

I'd like to offer you a chance to:

* Have a "what's great about struts" if you'd like
* Correct any factual errors, if any remain (one was corrected, certainly,
although I left in the original error to show the correction)
* Discuss the issue and motivations

I do not intend on flaming anyone, although I'm interested in what you

Joseph B. Ottinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] IT Consultant

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