I aint no committer/contributor but if I get 2 cents worth (about 1.15 US
cents) its:


Do it! Do it now!

-----Original Message-----
From: James Turner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 29 May 2003 15:06
To: 'Struts Developers List'
Subject: VOTE (enough already!): Release Struts RC2 with FileUpload Beta

> From: Martin Cooper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

First off, big thanks to Martin for adopting FileUpload and getting this
puppy back in shape.

> Now, about the Struts 1.1 RC2 release. The problem is the
> staging needed to get FileUpload out the door. It's currently
> at Beta 1, and the code base in CVS has some methods that
> have been deprecated since Beta 1. The deprecated methods
> need to be removed before 1.0 Final, which means that we need
> a Beta 2 to publicise the deprecations. Then they can be
> removed in an RC1, shortly to be followed (hopefully) by 1.0 Final.
> Much as I would like to see Struts 1.1 RC2 happen before
> JavaOne, I just don't see how that can happen, given the
> steps that FileUpload has to go through before a final release.

Does this strike anyone but me as an example of the victory of process
over sanity?

Why does a deprecation/removal of some methods require a new beta?  If
your code depends on the deprecated methods, you can stick with whatever
you're using now until you can fix your code, and then use the release.
If you don't, you can evaluate the RC, and an entire step can be saved.

The entire Struts 1.1 release has been a Kafka-esq adventure in strict
adherence to a set of rules that, IMHO, has done nothing but add months
of delay to an already terminally late release.  It's hard to believe
there's something that makes the JCP look speedy, but consider that in
the time we've been struggling to get 1.1 out the door, JSF has gone
almost completely from proposal to EA.

Open source is supposed to be speedy and responsive, instead we're
starting to make Microsoft look like a speed demon.  The Apache rules
serve a good purpose, to prevent shoddy releases.  But at this point,
we've got a major release hanging fire on (frankly) some relatively
obscure supporting packages which aren't even used by the majority of
the user community.

If I were benevolent dictator for a day, I'd do a 1.1 RC2 now with the
FileUpload Beta 2.  But, since we live in an enlightened society, I'm
putting it up for a vote.

As we've been reminded recently, this type of voice is non-veto-able,
lazy majority


+1 - Yes, release Struts RC2 with FileUpload 1.1 Beta 2 once Martin
releases it.

0 - Eh

-1 - I prefer to delay Struts RC2 until FileUpload is in final release.

The 72 hour voting cutoff is 3AM Eastern June 1


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