On Sun, 1 Jun 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

> Martin,
> I'm trying to release the struts-legacy package with our
> GenericDataSource implementation. I'm working from the Commons
> instructions (but substituting jakarta-struts where appropriate).
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases.html

The instructions here are more up to date and more comprehensive:


I proposed switching the link to that not too long ago, but Robert wanted
to do some cleanup first. IMHO, they're still better, though.

> At step 5, it looks like I should log into cvs.apache.org first, tag the
> live files there, and create the binary distribution on that machine, as
> is done with the source distribution at step 9.

When you tag something in CVS,  you're tagging the repository rather than
the files per se. So yes, you need to be connected to cvs.apache.org.

Basically, you need to make sure what you have on your local disk is what
you want to tag, and then run the CVS 'tag' command. That will tag the
repository. The reason your local files need to be up to date is because
the version tagged in the repo is whatever you have locally. You can also
use 'cvs rtag' if you want to tag the repo regardless of what you have,
but I think most people, myself included, stick with 'cvs tag'.

The binary and source distributions come from your local machine. You
won't be able to build them on cvs.a.o or www.a.o, since they don't have
the JDK available.

As far as building and packaging go, you might want to take a look at the
'release' target I added to the main Struts build file. That really helps
with putting the binary and source uploads together.

For the main Struts release, the most time-consuming part is just testing
that everything works with all the supported containers (including all the
web apps). I don't know how much you'll need to do for the legacy stuff.
Another time-consuming step is signing everything and creating digests.
The tagging for the main Struts release will actually be a bit more
painful for RC2 since you can't just blanket-tag the Commons packages -
they'll have to be tagged individually to match the specific versions
we're bundling.

Hope this helps.

Martin Cooper

> Is that correct?
> Otherwise, do I check the files in (again) between #8 and #9, so the tag
> propagates.
> I've haven't had to set CVS tags myself before, and so I'm a bit nervous
> about that part.
> -Ted.
> --
> Ted Hustled,
> Struts in Action <http://husted.com/struts/book.html>
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