The framework itself only uses reflection to transfer the request
parameters to ActionForm properties. When people say "Struts uses
reflection heavily", they usually mean creating output pages with the
the custom tags. (It would be interesting to see such benchmarks run
against Struts applications that use XLST or Velocity templates instead,
or the Struts EL tags on a container optimized for JSTL.)

The Struts JSP tags rely on the BeanUtils package. BeanUtils has become
quite rich, and it is possible that it could be due for some
optimization. BeanUtils also supports some very complex syntaxes that
not everyone uses, and a BeanUtils "light" might also be a worthwhile
idea, for people who are not using nested beans and so forth.

Gavin King, creator of Hibernate and an avid CGLIB user, isn't sure
whether CGLIB, as it stands, would be much help to BeanUtils. The trick
would be to get the CGLIB team interested in helping with BeanUtils.
This would not only benefit the Struts JSP tags, but every other
application that uses the Commons BeanUtils.


Vic Cekvenich wrote:
> A good paper on performance, but implies that Struts reflection is slow.
> I disagree, but.. would not mind converting some of the Struts to CGLib,
> if there is a comiter who would review and integrate, should it come on
> agenda.
> .V
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-- Ted Husted, Junit in Action - <>, Struts in Action - <>, JSP Site Design - <>.

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