Ted Husted wrote:
> Gavin King, creator of Hibernate and an avid CGLIB user, isn't sure
> whether CGLIB, as it stands, would be much help to BeanUtils. The
> trick would be to get the CGLIB team interested in helping with
> BeanUtils.  This would not only benefit the Struts JSP tags, but every
> other application that uses the Commons BeanUtils.

Hi, I'm one of the co-authors of CGLIB. It has actually been my plan to
use CGLIB to improve the performance of BeanUtils for a while, see my
blog entry at http://sixlegs.com/blog/java/blojsom-permalink-filter.html

Certainly there is a lot that can be done to improve performance even
without changing the BeanUtils API at all. I do have in mind some more
radical changes but those can wait...for example there is not much need
for DynaBeans when you can dynamically generate real beans.

FYI CGLIB in CVS is now about 165K including all dependencies. You could
strip that down a little bit if you didn't want all the proxy stuff.

Craig R. McClanahan wrote:
> The quality of your container's JSP page compiler is very critically
> important.  For example, the change from Jasper 1 to Jasper 2 in
> Tomcat (around 4.1.18 or so) resulted in page rendering time
> improvements of 600% to 800% (enough to be visible even in a single
> user environment on a fast machine), running exactly the same Struts
> based application.

A little plug...my company is also developing a high-performance JSP 2.0
engine for scriptless pages which uses CGLIB to compile EL expressions,
optimize taglibs, and avoid the need for javac at deployment (it
compiles directly to byte-code, no Java source is involved).


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