David Graham wrote:

--- Rob Leland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

David Graham wrote:

--- Rob Leland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ted Husted wrote:

I use many utilities Actions like these, and the result is that fewer

*custom* Actions are needed. I think increasing the number of


Actions in the distribution is a very good idea. It makes Struts more

accessible to newcomers, saves everyone from reimplementing the same design, and leverages the fact that Actions are singletons.


How about struts-tools distribution named after the velocity-tools.
These would be classes that could be used stand-alone or in pairs.
Tnen we could place those orphan RequestUtils absoluteURL, and other
utilities there.
It would have a package structure o.a.s.tools.(util, actions, ....)

I think unused methods/classes should be deprecated and removed.  We
shouldn't be carrying around excess unused utility code just because a
user *might* be using them.

I agree they should be moved from the core package.
And moved to an optional package.

I have a few concerns with this. First, it's more work to maintain this
new optional package with build files, tests, distribution, etc. Second,
it's likely that the unused code would decay because Struts isn't using

Since we don't currently have a struts-contrib or struts-tools distribution I would agree.
Once that is in place I believe that would change.

Also, it's confusing to have some actions in o.a.s.tools.actions and
some in o.a.s.actions.  I think *all* standard actions that are
distributed with Struts should live in o.a.s.actions.

or moved into the tools jar. I agree with what you said :
"I think unused methods/classes should be deprecated and removed."

If the struts core doesn't use it then it doesn't belong in the core, and should be
moved to a seperate jar. That includes any actions


Rob Leland (703-525-3580)

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day of your life. -Confucius.

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