Yes, This has been brought up many times over the last 3 years,
and probably has been implemented several times extending the Struts tags.

I am not opposed to such a feature, and would support it,
though other committers might not.

The key argument against it is that it would transform the html tags into a non-standard
implementation. The html tags are ment to be a thin module aware layer over the browsers tags,
and nothing more. That is why we don't have a Calender tag or Date chooser tag.
Though I suppose if you really --knocked our socks off !-- with a spiffy implementation it could
become part of Struts.

I believe since we still support Netscape 4.X series browsers, a read-only attribute has
not been added.

Since struts is trying to get out of the JSP tag business since 40-50% of our bugs are there.
which subtracts from our limited time for the core framework. You might consider contributing
the tag to


Chris Gastin wrote:

Has anyone considered a feature which toggles between an editable form
element and read only text / static text.

I find myself developing JSPs where depending  on the Use Case "fieldA"
could be an editalbe text box (<input name="fieldA" value="My Text Value"
/>)  in Use Case 1 on xyz.jsp and readonly text /static text  in Use Case 2
(My Text Value) on the same jsp. Presently I am using the
<logic:equal></logic:equal> tags. Which get really messy. Here is some
sample code.

<logic:equals name="actionForm" property="myFieldEditable" value="true">
   <html:text name="actionForm" property"myField" />
<logic:equals name="actionForm" property="myFieldEditable" value="false">
   <bean:write name="actionForm" property"myField" />

It would be nice to add an attribute to the current tag libraries, which is a boolean, and does this toggling for you. Here is what I am envisioning

If actionForm.myField = "My Text Value"; This tag  <html:text
name="actionForm" property"myField" readOnlyText="true"/> would output "My
Text Value".

Where <html:text name="actionForm" property"myField" readOnlyText="false"/>
the following tag would output
<input name="fieldA" value="My Text Value" />

As you can imagine this would not be a huge undertaking to add this feature
to the current tag libraries in struts. I could use this feature, and I am
sure other could too. I am willing to contribute my time to the development
effort. I am not stuck on the attribute name "readOnlyText", and would
welcome suggestions. Does this sound like a good idea, and if the answer is
yes, what is the next step.

Chris Gastin

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