Rob Leland wrote:

> For what it's worth, I've got it passing 71/97 tests clear, and the
> rest fall into two categories: 19 with failures because the
> context-path of the test app is hardcoded as "test" and the plugin uses
> "struts-cactus", and 7 that have to do with cookie values. If anyone
> has any clever ideas for the simplest way to extract the context path

The context path used for the test is stored in the file.
Couldn't those properties be read in by the unit tests ? Right now they
are used to modify the server.xml file by using ant filtering while copying.

Also if you look at the CVS history of those files with a
hard coded 'test' context you'll probably see the path change
from /test/xyz/abc.jsp -> /xyz/abc.jsp -> /test/xyz/abc.jsp

Well, I just changed the string literal in response.encodeURL to the concatenation of request.getContextPath() and the context relative URL. That worked, and seems decently flexible.

So now the only mystery is why cookies don't seem to be set in my cactus environment (the common problem in the remaining tests which don't pass.)

Joe Germuska
"We want beef in dessert if we can get it there."
-- Betty Hogan, Director of New Product Development, National Cattlemen's Beef Association

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