Essentially, it would remove the need to "click-thru" the example applications by hand. These are "UI" tests directly against the HTML pages. Typically, these types of tests are delicate, but WebTest is scripted with a XML file, so in practice they are relatively easy to maintain.

Martin Cooper wrote:
On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Ted Husted wrote:

Personally, I could live with running with Cactus tests just against
TC4.1, so long as we were still testing the sample applications under
TC3.3 before a release.

When I get the release notes caught up, I'm planning to do a suite of
Canoo Webtests for the example applications, which will be easy to run
against any given container.

I'm not familiar with Canoo (but always interested in hearing about good
new testing tools!). Can you give a quick outline of what it would add
to our Cactus + *Unit tests?

Martin Cooper


Joe Germuska wrote:

To clarify my own statement: the cactus tests in maven run using the
Tomcat installed in the location defined in "" under the
property name "tomcat.home.41"

The Maven cactus plugin doesn't seem to support Tomcat 3.  I guess we
could work those ant tasks into the maven.xml file more or less as they
are now.

I'll commit all that stuff as soon as I'm official.


Ted wrote:

James Mitchell wrote:

So, for now I just commented out those few lines and now the tests pass
completely under tomcat 4.0, but under 4.1 it fails randomly with:

Personally, I am in favor of dropping the tests for TC4.0 and only
testing against Tomcat 3.3 and Tomcat 4.1, which are the reigning
Reference Implementations for Servlet 2.2/2.3. Even Tomcat itself has
relegated 4.0 to the "archives".


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