where some webapps need the old version of commons-collections.jar and some
need the
new version.

Oh. I thought it would use the one in WEB-INF/lib.
Why doesnt it? :-(

I mean strewth mate , its bad enough having to play silly buggers with the
xml parsers. I didnt realise that applied to commons stuff as well. Ye gods.

This business of not allowing applications to use the versions of stuff that
they are comfortable with  and forcing them to share jars with other apps is
really bad news. A sort of repressive jar file socialism that will leave
apps stagnating with the lowest common denominator (though from what your
saying its sounds like there is no denominator if your using
commons-collections. What a mess).

What are *you* going to do?

Damned if I know :-(
Any suggestions (assuming the obvious choice of removing the dependency isnt
an option)?

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, 16 February 2004 15:46
To: Struts Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: string concatenation

Quoting Andrew Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> It seems like utter madness to me.
> Mad! Mad! I tell you!
> Half of commons was split off from struts originally anyhow, and now to go
> and say we dont want to depend on it, lets redevelop it yet again
> internally...
> WTF?????
> Will we then see another cycle where the internally redevloped code is
> split off to form a sort of neo-commons???
> <shakes head and sighs/>
> <snip>
> My preference would be for leveraging code that is in a logical place (ala
> commons-lang) and documenting the dependencies.
> </snip>
> +1


The commons-collections folks screwed much of the world (although not us,
because we only depend on a couple of classes that weren't moved to new
packages without backwards compatible deprecations) with their recent
incompatible changes.  I'm not interested in supporting that behavior by
continuing to depend on them.

Put yourself in the position of a sysadmin for a Tomcat 5 installation where
some webapps need the old version of commons-collections.jar and some need
new version.  What are *you* going to do?


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