On Mon, 16 Feb 2004, Ted Husted wrote:

> Yes, there lies the rub: If we were to submit a patch to commons-lang 
> today, we could not roll a (potentially) GA-quality release tomorrow. 
> At least not without also rolling a release of commons-lang and 
> waiting for it to "go platinum" first.
> My suggestion would be that we start using "bridge packages" to 
> isolate classes that we intend to submit to the Commons. Once the code

> in our bridge package proves it worth, we can then offer to the 
> corresponding Commons package. If our code is accepted and the updated

> Commons package hits a General Availability release, we can then move 
> our dependency from the bridge package to the Commons package.
> So, if we do determine that a change to the string handling is a 
> difference that makes a difference, we could create a package for 
> methods specifically earmarked for lang, such as o.a.s.commons.lang. 
> Once we release our code, and find that it works well in the field, 
> then we can submit a patch to c-l and roll a release there. Once the 
> c-l is GA with our addition, then we can move the dependency in our on

> code from o.a.s.commons.lang to o.a.c.lang.



I've been using struts and following these discussion forums since the
summer of '02.  It seems to me, especially of late, that there are a
great deal of splits and fractures not just within the Apache community,
but even the Jakarta community.  I guess this entire discussion was a
little disappointing as I had misconceived notions about how/why commons
existed.  If commons are truly common, why not have at least 1 committer
(committers select a chair person) from each Jakarta project on each
commons project.  If a commons project isn't used by enough Jakarta
projects, it should be in either the sandbox, or somewhere besides
commons.  To become a commons project, there should be a vote by all the
project chairs.  

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