Hi Craig,

Are you aware of the issues with running the nightly builds (ie. 20001023,
...) with WebLogic 5.1 sp6?  I'm running into MissingResource exceptions up
the wazoo!  I know that it's more than likely that it's a WebLogic problem,
but as someone who is intimately familiar with Struts could you offer any
advise on getting struts to run within WebLogic?

Thanks in advance,


-----Original Message-----
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2000 4:22 AM
Subject: Re: next stable release?

Joe Peer wrote:

> hi,
> i have got the following problem(s):
> - i discovered some major changes from 0.5 version (which are *very good*
> for example it is good to have a HttpServletRequest Object accessible in
> validate(..), and so on)

Hi Joe ... thanks for the vote of confidence!  More below.

> - I totally agree that it is better having a well designed powerful
> framework with new ideas included (which leads of cource to a non-backward
> compatible version) than a backward compatible less powerful framework

In general, I'm very concerned about backwards compatibility -- this is the
reason that there has not been a 1.0 release yet.  Once that happens, I'm
to be very resistant to the idea of introducing non-backwards-compatible
enhancements, because people need something they can rely on.

> - but i dont like to work with the 0.5 version (it's just a matter of
> feeling ... i constantly think i miss some cool features of the next
> release, can't help myself ;=)

The 1.0 codebase is currently "bleeding edge".  I am changing the various
features to their final forms, but things are still pretty unstable -- and
all of the changes have quite been completed yet.  It is only *very* lightly
tested at this point, so I would not be at all surprised to find bugs
as of last weekend at least, the example app was restored to working

> - but if i work with the 1.0 codebase and i am getting an error I never
> wether it is my fault or a struts bug (since it is not officially released
> and therefore not considered relatively bug - free) - and  i fear i am too
> untalented to figure that out myself...

That's the kind of thing that happens with "latest and greatest" code,

> so my only chance to work successfully with struts is to get a 1.0 release
> my question finally is: when may i expect a version 1.0 coming out
> [<nasty>apacheCon is over ;=)</nasty>]

Much of my time (more than half) in November will be devoted to finishing up
Struts 1.0.  I now hope to have a beta-quality release by the end of
and a final release as soon after that as we've squashed the bugs.

> or put it in other words: how stable are the current builds of struts (i
> downloaded jakarta-struts-20001024.zip today), should i use them?

There will be some substantial changes in the next few days (I fly home from
ApacheCon tomorrow) that will affect the form tags, plus some new stuff that
won't affect backwards compatibility.  If you want to experiment and help me
find the bugs (please report them to our bug tracking system at
http://znutar.cortexity.com:8888) that would be great -- if you are trying
build apps based on it, then I would wait a few more weeks until the feature
changes stop and we focus solely on bug fixes.

> thanks in advance!
> Joe Peer


See you at ApacheCon Europe <http://www.apachecon.com>!
Session VS01 (23-Oct 13h00-17h00):  Sun Technical Briefing
Session T06  (24-Oct 14h00-15h00):  Migrating Apache JServ
                                    Applications to Tomcat

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