I ran into the same problem ;=)
When I call the example app 1st time when the server is up, the index page
comes as it should:

MailReader Demonstration Application Options
     Register with the MailReader Demonstration Application
     Log on to the MailReader Demonstration Application

but if i klick on  "Log on to the MailReader Demonstration Application" I
get the following message:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Missing resources attribute
        at /index.jsp._jspService(/index.jsp.java:39) (JSP page line 6)

from that moment i get this message for every request to the app... even for
the index!
[I was using struts20001024, Orion 1.3.8 on Win nt with Sun SDK 2]


> Hi Craig,
> Are you aware of the issues with running the nightly builds (ie. 20001023,
> ...) with WebLogic 5.1 sp6?  I'm running into MissingResource exceptions
> the wazoo!  I know that it's more than likely that it's a WebLogic
> but as someone who is intimately familiar with Struts could you offer any
> advise on getting struts to run within WebLogic?
> Thanks in advance,
> Steve...

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