Hi Craig,

> There will be some substantial changes in the next few days (I fly home from
> ApacheCon tomorrow) that will affect the form tags, plus some new stuff that
> won't affect backwards compatibility.  If you want to experiment and help me
> find the bugs (please report them to our bug tracking system at
> http://znutar.cortexity.com:8888) that would be great -- if you are trying to
> build apps based on it, then I would wait a few more weeks until the feature
> changes stop and we focus solely on bug fixes.

Could you give us a rough outline of those coming changes? I'm about to add
some features to the html-related tags myself. However, it wouldn't make any
sense for me doing this, if you make / plan / have made modifications in the
same area.

Matthias                        (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])

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