>if i understand you correctly, you force yourself to make a sharp
>distinction between ejb tier and web tier: you have no access to the web
>tier from weblogic and only jndi/ejb access to the database from orion - is

right. we roughly follow j2ee blue print and have clear distinction between
webtier and ejb tier. web tier is one of ejb tier's client and it is
accessing ejb tier through their remote interfaces (jndi/rmi/...). 

>this the main reason for using 2 different products?
>or is it because orionserver does servlets better and weblogic does ejb

the reason for using weblogic is political - it had been chosen
the reason for using of orion is technical - weblogic does not do struts

i personally favour orion as it follow j2ee specification much better than
weblogic. it is much less painful to deploy to orion server. there are no
performance comparisons between the two servers available to us.


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