> I guess your want to run the struts example application ...
> Please see the message "Re: Null Pointer Exception in Struts 0.5 example" by
> Alain Bienvenue. The basic problem is, that WLS 510 does not honor the
> "load-on-startup" attribute. This means that ActionServlet will not be properly
> initialized.
> One possible solution is to make a fake request to ActionServlet before any
> other processing.

I've successfully worked around the problem by reconfiguring struts to
"lazy initialize" itself, meaning that every servlet first runs an init
method, which then checks the config and initializes it as
necessary.  This way the application is no longer dependant on the order
in which the servlets initialize.  Sure, the check adds a small amount of
overhead, but it truely is negligable.

He who pursues learning will increase every day;
He who pursues The Eternal will decrease every day.
He will decrease and continue to decrease,
Till he comes at non-action;
By non-action everything can be done.

                                 Lao-Tzu (fl. B.C. 600)
                                 Chinese Philosopher - Founder of Taoism

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