i believe that the first scope defines where the subjects beans is (in this
case, an attribute of the request) and the second one defines where the
subjectEntry bean is (created by the iterate tag, so it should only be page
scope)...  right?


| chris wilson || web dev ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] || | www.wondergeek.com |

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Westbay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 6:08 PM
> Subject: Re: attempting to use iterate and write tags with maps
> Wilson-san wrote:
> > <logic:iterate name="subjects" id="subjectEntry" scope="request"
> >    [...]                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >    <bean:write name="subjectEntry" property="value" scope="page" />
> >    [...]                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I'm still learning myself, but having the object references to
> SubjectEntry in different scopes may be a problem.
> --
> Michael Westbay
> Work: Beacon-IT http://www.beacon-it.co.jp/
> Home:           http://www.seaple.icc.ne.jp/~westbay
> Commentary:     http://www.japanesebaseball.com/

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