So, you've included the Struts bean tag library along with logic, yes?

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>

You can get some weird and misleading error messages if you omit a
taglibs you're using. 

The inner class shouldn't cause a problem, since the iterate tag is
designed for that (an attribute or property of an attribute). 

For more troubleshooting, did you try setting the inner class as a
standalone page attribute, to see if that works too?

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 1/4/2001 at 9:17 AM Chris Wilson wrote:


sorry to post this similar message again, but i'm really stumped...

i've run into a problem however trying to use the iterate tag with a
and the write tag...  here's a snippet of my code:

<logic:iterate name="subjects" id="subjectEntry" scope="request"
// subjects is a TreeMap in the request object... no problem there
// it's my understanding that when the iterate tag is used with a map,
// iterator is on the Set of Map.Entries returned by Map.entitySet(),
// therefore the object exposed as subjectEntry should be a

<bean:write name="subjectEntry" property="value" scope="page" />
// this is where i get an IllegalAccessException attempting to access
//property value of subjectEntry, even though there is a getValue()
in the


just for fun, i replaced the write tag above with the following
which i believe is logically equivalent:

and that works!  of course, i could simply use this scriptlet and my
would be solved, but i'd like to use only taglibs if possible and it
to me that the <bean:write> tag should do the same thing...

will <bean:write> only work on "bean-like" objects that are public?  in
case the object implementing the Map.Entry interface is an inner class
TreeMap.  is that causing the problem?

what am i missing?  thanks for any help!


| chris wilson || web dev ||| [EMAIL PROTECTED] || | |

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