>  Hello. I downloaded last night's build and compiled it. I was able to
> compile it with xalan/xerces (that I coopted from Cocoon 1.8) but not with
> jaxp.jar/parser.jar (that I coopted from Tomcat 3.2.1). From the
> stacktrace (see below), it looks like an Ant (1.2) "import" problem, but
> it's a Struts problem too if you can't compile it! I also tried the
> jaxp.jar/parser.jar combination that came with Ant but had the same
> negative result. (BTW, I don't have multiple parsers in my classpath.)

To summarize the documentation...
use jaxp.jar/parser.jar only if you use binary distribution. (these are only
use Xalan if you are building from the source. (This includes XML parser and
XSLT Processor)

Here is what the installation doc says:

"XML Parser - Struts requires the presence of an XML parser that is compatible
with the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) specification, 1.0 or later. You can
download and install the JAXP reference implementation, which is required for
building the Struts source distribution. In Struts-based web applications, you
may replace the reference implementation classes with any other JAXP compliant
parser, such as Xerces. See detailed instructions related to the parser in the
instructions for building and installing Struts, below."

"Xalan XSLT Processor - If you are building Struts from the source distribution,
you must download and install version 1_2_D01 (or later) of the Xalan XSLT
processor (which also includes the Xerces XML parser). This processor is used to
convert the Struts documentation from its internal XML-based format into the
HTML that is presented in the Struts documentation application. "

Here's the URL http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/installation.html#Prerequisites

>  Also, I am just starting a project that I plan to use Struts 1.x. I
> plan on developing on Tomcat and eventually deploying on
> Tomcat/Apache. Does this sound reasonable? Should I plan on developing and
> deploying on Tomcat 3.2.1 or 4.x? I have mixed thoughts about deploying on
> a servlet engine (4.x) that's implementing on new (2.3) servlet API. Thanks
> in advance for your advice.

I'm running on milestone 5 release of Tomcat4.0.  I have been for a while.  No
problems.  I won't upgrade until official release comes out since I'm having no
problems.  It works great.  Don't let the fact that it implements the 2.3 API
stop you.  It still supports 2.2 stuff.  Not like the 2.1 to 2.2 change.  
BTW, Tomcat4.0 is kewl!  I really like the new logging.  It's also very stable.

Good luck.  Welcome to struts.


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