On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Steven D. Wilkinson wrote:

> Here is what the installation doc says:
> "XML Parser - Struts requires the presence of an XML parser that is compatible
> with the Java API for XML Parsing (JAXP) specification, 1.0 or later. You can
> download and install the JAXP reference implementation, which is required for
> building the Struts source distribution. In Struts-based web applications, you
> may replace the reference implementation classes with any other JAXP compliant
> parser, such as Xerces. See detailed instructions related to the parser in the
> instructions for building and installing Struts, below."

 Yeah, I saw this in the README file that came with the distribution.

> "Xalan XSLT Processor - If you are building Struts from the source distribution,
> you must download and install version 1_2_D01 (or later) of the Xalan XSLT
> processor (which also includes the Xerces XML parser). This processor is used to
> convert the Struts documentation from its internal XML-based format into the
> HTML that is presented in the Struts documentation application. "

 This was not in the README file.

> Here's the URL http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/installation.html#Prerequisites

 Next time, I'll check here first.

> >  Also, I am just starting a project that I plan to use Struts 1.x. I
> > plan on developing on Tomcat and eventually deploying on
> > Tomcat/Apache. Does this sound reasonable? Should I plan on developing and
> > deploying on Tomcat 3.2.1 or 4.x? I have mixed thoughts about deploying on
> > a servlet engine (4.x) that's implementing on new (2.3) servlet API. Thanks
> > in advance for your advice.
> I'm running on milestone 5 release of Tomcat4.0.  I have been for a while.  No
> problems.  I won't upgrade until official release comes out since I'm having no
> problems.  It works great.  Don't let the fact that it implements the 2.3 API
> stop you.  It still supports 2.2 stuff.  Not like the 2.1 to 2.2 change.  
> BTW, Tomcat4.0 is kewl!  I really like the new logging.  It's also very stable.

 Sounds like good advice. Thanks.

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