Ana Narvaez Vila wrote:

> I have a JSP page that receives a bean in scope request. That page
> contains one frameset with two frames; the question is:
> How can I pass my bean to the 'source' (src) of the frame?
> <bean:define id="myBean" name"com.mycompany.MyClass" scope="request">
> <frameset rows="81%, 19% " border="0">
>         <frame src="Myurl" name="frame1" scrolling="auto"></frame>
>         <frame src="Myurl2" name="frame2" scrolling="no"></frame>
> </frameset>

Each of your frames is going to generate its own individual request, so using request 
scope will not work.  However, you could use session scope and your "myBean" would be 
visible to the frames as well.


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