> Okay, I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I haven't seen it, so
> here it goes.
> What are the preferred html editors for users of struts?  Of course, I
> expect to see Dreamweaver, but are there any others?
> Strengths/weaknesses,  you know the usual.

I prefer to text edit HTML mostly because it is easy and keeps me
knowledgable on the language. I have yet to find an IDE that can rival the
efficency I get with a great text editor.

jEdit would be my tool of choice:

jEdit is open-source and has free plugins for just about everything. Most of
the plugins are for Java coding but HTML gets some good help none the less.

The only downfall to jEdit and text editors in general would be that you do
need to have good knowledge of what you are coding. Including custom tags :)

Jayson Falkner
V.P./CTO, Amberjack Software LLC

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