
"Ritter, Steve" wrote:
> Actually George, I think you and Chris both have the right idea.
> You are correct in stating that using a SessionBean interface to you appserver is 
>best -- the only issue that remains is what datatypes will the SessionBean return?
> IMHO, you should avoid the default "pass-by-reference" model supported by EJB and 
>rather use a "pass-by-value" model.  You really want to avoid returning EntityBean 
>references to the Action class, you would rather return "value" classes.  Some EJB 
>containers support pass-by-value out of the box, others require that you create your 
>own value classes by hand (a value class is simply a class that has all the data 
>local to the class, calls to the getters are not remote calls).  The implementaion of 
>the SessionBean ("server side") would be responsible for copying data from the 
>EntityBean into the ValueBean.
> Just like you SessionBeans are facades providing a specific view into the business 
>logic provided by your application server, your value classes are really going to be 
>facades (Facade Pattern, Gamma et al).  The reason for this is that it is likely that 
>what you want to display on your web page is a combination of attributes from several 
>EntityBeans.  I have found that is easier to model your value objects based on what 
>pages they will be used by and only include the data needed to keep them as small as 
>possible.  This does not mean that a particular ValueBean won't be used by multiple 
>pages, its just a loose rule of thumb that I use.
> What do you guys all think of this?
> --Steve

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