I have  placed  the CSS file in my struts-bbnpa( named web app) and not directly in WEB-INF directory. but as follows -   /struts-bbnpa/css/bbnpa.css" same level as WEB-INF

I have used the LINK tag as the href the client's browser should not be able to access the style sheet. as demonstrated - works fine . CHEERS!!
<link rel="stylesheet"  href="css/bbnpa.css"
        charset="ISO-8859-1"  type="text/css">"/struts-bbnpa/css/bbnpa.css"
nevertheless how do i embed the javascript within jsp as i had js working on my college assignment web-site (a timed window status scroll ) albiet wont work on my companies web project. any ideas.

Cheers again chuck

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