On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Peter Alfors wrote:

> What happens when you execute this?
> <td align="left"><a class="leftnav" href="myAction.do"
> target="_blank"><bean:message key="icon.calendar"/></td>
> I would think that this should do what you want??

You can also use the "target" attribute on an <html:form> or <html:link>

  <td align="left">
    <html:link styleclass="leftnav" page="/myAction.do"
      <bean:message key="icon.calendar"/>

One advantage to this is that URL rewriting is automatically applied to
maintain session state even if you're not using cookies.

> Pete


> >      -----Original Message-----
> >      From: Linnea Ahlbeck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >      Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 1:52 AM
> >      To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >      Subject: struts-config.xml - How do I open a "success" path
> >      as a new window???
> >
> >      Hi!!
> >
> >      I want to my path
> >
> >          <forward name="success" path="/InsertAddress.jsp"/>
> >
> >      to open the jsp-page as a new window/page ( like the html
> >      tag
> >
> >      <td align="left"><a class="leftnav" href="http://...../";
> >      target="_blank"><bean:message key="icon.calendar"/></td> )
> >
> >      Any ideas how to do this with struts???
> >
> >      Thanks / Linnéa
> >
> >
> >

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