On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to pass 2 parameters with html:link. Since it is not legal to use the 
>same attribute name more than once in the same tag, I created another reference 
>'tempId'  to my 'submitQuotesForm' bean using  <bean:define> tag but I am only 
>getting the last param 'supplier_seq'  added to my link.
> Here's my JSP code:
>       <bean:define id="tempId"  name="submitQuotesForm" 
>type="com.motorola.mms.msqc.beans.SubmitQuotesForm" />
>       <html:link href="part.do" 
>           paramId="motorola_part" paramName="submitQuotesForm" 
>           paramId="supplier_seq" paramName="tempId" paramProperty="supplierSeq" >
>           <bean:write name="submitQuotesForm" property= "partNbr"  />
>       </html:link>

Using "paramId" and "paramName" only works if you want to add a *single*
parameter to the link.  XML does not allow you to specify the same
attributes twice in a single tag.

If you want to add multiple parameters, use the following approach:
* Create a Map (such as a HashMap or TreeMap) where the keys
  are the parameter names and the values are either String (for
  a single parameter value) or array of String (for multiple
  parameter value).
* Use <bean:define> or some other technique to introduce this
  object into some appropriate scope.  I tend to do this in
  my Actions (or business logic that they delegate to).
* Code your link tag like this:
    <bean:define id="parametersMap" .../>
    <html:link href="part.do" name="parametersMap">

> What am I doing wrong?
> -Nimmi


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