I think you would need to use a map here.

< http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/struts-html.html#link >

"Normally, the hyperlink you specify with one of the attributes
described in the previous
paragraph will be left unchanged (other than URL rewriting if
necessary). However, there
are two ways you can append one or more dynamically defined query
parameters to the
hyperlink -- specify a single parameter with the paramId attribute (and
its associated
attributes to select the value), or specify the name (and optional
property) attributes to
select a java.util.Map bean that contains one or more parameter ids and
corresponding values."

Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:
> I am trying to pass 2 parameters with html:link. Since it is not legal to use the 
>same attribute name more than once in the same tag, I created another reference 
>'tempId' to my 'submitQuotesForm' bean using  <bean:define> tag but I am only getting 
>the last param 'supplier_seq' added to my link.

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