On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Shamdasani Nimmi-ANS004 wrote:

> Craig,
> In my case the link is on a column of an editable indexed properties
> table. And the 2 parameters for each row would be specific to that
> row. So where/how would I get the parameters into a HashMap?

Well, you've got them already don't you?  The keys are the two things you
are trying to pass for paramId and the values are the corresponding things
you are trying to look up with paramName and paramProperty.

In your page, it looks like you're using runtime expressions to try to get
the values dynamically.  To do it in the page, you'd need to use
scriptlets.  However, I would tend to have created an appropriate HashMaps
in the Action that forwarded to this page, so all I'd have to do is
reference it -- perhaps even create an array of HashMaps (one per row) so
that it corresponds to your data lookups.


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